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Risk Management

Moores Rowland recognizes that risk management has a broader aspect than just protecting an enterprise in that it should also enhance and develop a business.

Risk Management:

Moores Rowland recognizes that risk management has a broader aspect than just protecting an enterprise in that it should also enhance and develop a business. Moores Rowland risk management professionals seek to assist our clients by advising on business risks within a specific industry; our risk professionals also provide services that can assist those companies develop, manage, and capitalize on prevalent risks. The risk service line can be divided into three areas typically risk assessment (to assess the risk arising from a certain process, procedures, activity, or a multiple of all), risk monitoring and controlling processes (typically involves an evaluations of processes doings and whether related controls are operating as intended), and risk improvement (involves the design and implementation of control improvements as they relate to business goals).

Risk assessment in practice (COSO):

The American institute of CPAs, American institute of internal auditors, the Institute of Management Accountants, the Financial Executives International and the American Accountants Association agreed together to form a committee (COSO) as a joint initiative to provide thought leadership and framework on enterprise risk management, internal control and fraud deterrence.

The risk assessment is the power of qualitative and quantitative estimation of risk related of a definite state and known dangers, this requires calculating the risks, the expected losses, the loss probabilities. The adequate risk is accepted because the cost exceeds the benefit.

Risk Monitoring and controlling processes:

Moores Rowland may assist corporates in achieving monitoring and controlling processes through preventive steps and controls and risk assessments that dig beyond the financial and regulation framework considering existing operations’ situation. We can assist our clients organize workshops to define key risks that are facing the operations, and link them to the applied processes in order to have a better monitoring control on the processes, as well as receive earlier warnings, and permit the earliest intervention and response.

Risk Improvement:

At Moores Rowland we are proud that we provide high quality of risk improvement services for a comprehensive selection of clients including international banks, insurance companies, corporates from different industries and sizes as well as public and private entities, asset managers, where we developed our experience from working with different industries and sectors, which enabled us to assess losses, manage and report limit faced risks, and build a professional technical team with developed capacities, to deliver customized risk improvement service packages that assist in decreasing loss ratio and help in realizing more profits. Our tools are flexible to be redesigned and modified according to the operations’ requirements of each one of our clients. We assist our clients build their list of incidents of misses and near misses and support them in developing plans that can decrease future risks and incidents. Our assistance is provided through workshops and training forums to our clients’ employees to empower them control risks and losses according to a clear program and system.

Risk Services and systems:

Corporates may benefit from practical risk management systems, which means that corporates have to define the basic risks, detect their probability and weight, assess their effect on the business drivers and put a plan of action to mitigate risks and improve corporates acceptance on how to react with risks. Based on that all corporates need to change to be able to face the challenges and avoid opportunity risks which part of them are seen and the other part are predicted and another part are planned for and the rest are unknown or unpredictable.

We provide this service to enable our clients capitalize on opportunities, deliver growing results and enhance and defend their businesses. This also empowers us to ask better questions such as the following:

Can risk management save costs?

Can risk management improve financial performance?

Can you transfer your uncontrollable risks?

Can you list and define accepted risks?

What are the risks that enable maximizing opportunities?

Through teaming globally together we assist in creating more pioneering answers which assist our clients consider risk management as a tool for expansion, improvement and performance, and so we help them provide and achieve better and long standing outcomes from strategy to execution as follows;

  • Actuarial
  • Cybersecurity
  • FSRM
  • Internal Audit
  • 0peratiopnal Risk Management
  • Internal Audit
  • Risk Assurance
  • Risk Transformation

Balancing the risk-return equation:

Financial predictions and strategies are vital in the business world. However it is important to assess the level of assurance senior management and chief financial officers have in a complicated and risky business environment. Today companies are contemplating to adopt another fashion approaches to predict numbers within a several risks model approach analysis.

Banking Risk-aligned cybersecurity:

Moores Rowland banking and financial institutions cyber security team provide their services through working closely with the bank’s management and their IT unit personnel, to ensure that the program is adopted by all personnel, taking into consideration the assessment of the bank’s capability after then examining their current cybersecurity techniques, then prepare a plan on the bank’s risk strategy and posture to align proper security protocols with the bank’s asset’s value and risks, taking into consideration facilitating the processes and behavioral acceptance to the control changes, and then test these controls through wargames and secured hacking penetration simulation tests, while implementing the program.

Creating value through intelligent risk-taking:

Corporates has to reconsider the design of their risk management systems to face the present challenges. However risk management may be used for more than risk mitigation where they can also assist in creating value through integrating risk into strategy dimension. Senior management began modifying their risk management approaches through linking risks to business strategy.

Moores Rowland De-risking model:

Moores Rowland has developed flexible operation model to lower costs on our clients while providing critical expertise, whether from software engineers to designers to coaches. Over and above we have a close relationships with service providers that allow us bring the best solutions to our clients. Our deep expertise in implementing technology systems makes it possible for us to prioritize and plan so that we achieve self-funding.

Financial risk management services:

Moores Rowland teams of trusted financial risk management who provide, to board and executive members of world leading corporates, reliable and high quality service. Our presence in the main dynamic financial markets enables us to be on top of this service where our services are delivered through the following:

  • Our network in various countries.
  • Financial risk management professional team & associates.
  • Access to our global resources and best practices data accumulated over the years.

Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC):

Defining the GRC is related to the acronym of governance, risk and compliance; however it is related to the serious competences that work collectively to accomplish proper performance. The Competences are related to governance system, management skills and assurance of performance. This necessitates the cooperation of the following divisions: internal audit, risk management, legal and compliance, information technology, finance and human resources.

Governance, Regulatory and Risk:

Corporates are suffering to accomplish improved profits and understand strategic objectives although of the regulatory rising pressures. Enhancing and protecting value in proper governance, regulatory and compliance is vital to achieve governance. Knowledge is important to predict the regulatory needs, and to prepare the corporate to comply with the requirements.

The continuous complications resulting from regulatory bodies and governance issues require serious experience in the governance industry and compliance specialists.

Managing risk:

Identifying, assessing, prioritizing risks is the essence of risk management. Efforts to monitor minimize and control incidents and probabilities of negative events, to maximize corporates’ prospects, are ranked as risk management. ISO 31000 defined the effects of uncertainty on corporates’ objectives. Uncertainty may be the result of financial markets crash, or project failures, legal obligations, credit threat, accidents, unpredictable negative events.

Also Moores Rowland assists in the following to improve the governance and processes, governance and compliance and governance and strategy through the following:

  • asset management advisory
  • actuarial services & financial support
  • Basel II and Solvency II transformation
  • capital adequacy and regulatory
  • commodity & energy risk management
  • credit risk management
  • economic capital market
  • financial reengineering
  • finance and treasury management and transformation
  • financial instruments accounting
  • insurance risk assessment
  • market and liquidity risk
  • operational risk management
  • quantitative evaluation and management of portfolio risks
  • transactions risk management

Regulatory and compliance risks:

We help our clients mitigate regulatory and compliance risks, evaluate and modernize processes, controls and construct the proper platform to mitigate definite regulatory and compliance risks corporates face.

Our comprehensive industry knowledge and primary approaches enable us to use special tools and data management aptitudes and models to achieve more capability in managing risks and conducting regulatory compliance.

Providing regulatory and compliance risks include assisting corporations in building capacities to overcome the weaknesses and substantial issues that were stated in regulatory issued reports.

Providing capacity building to enable corporates responds to current/new compliance regulations.

Retirement Risk Management:

Any investment strategy and wealth plan needs risk management, and so any retirement plan needs risk management to allocate assets to investments and seek potential return that is appropriate to risk appetite. Based on this our insurance professionals are able to assist in identifying potential risks and provide the advice on how to mitigate them.

Risk Sensing:

The human vision and advanced analysis in recognizing, analyzing, and observing risks based on risk sensing became an important constituent to manage risks in several corporations. Based on above, corporates leverage their risk sensing in order to mitigate their risks. The basic purpose of a strong risk sensing aptitude is to develop and improve the corporate’s efforts.

Tracking shareholders value and risk management:

Almost all financial institutions operating companies, who are facing the same challenges, accepted the effects of the regulatory pronouncements, in different ways and scales. This required that companies shift from adopting the risk management as an occupation approach to risk management as an integrated discipline system within the corporation approach. There are several keystones foundations for the integrated approach that participate in embedding the integrated approach with the corporations.

Using the risk-adjusted forecasting:

CFOs are being increasingly pressured to provide more accurate forecasts, in an unsettling, volatile, complex and interconnected economy, to board of directors and investors are striving to manage and develop corporates’ risk returns.

Based on above corporates have to shift and start using risk adjusted forecasting approach methodology which provides more certainty based on several probabilities and risk variables.


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